This FAQ is designed to walk Faculty and Coaches through all aspects of the Assessment Process.
An Overview:
Accurate assessment of a submitted artifact or portfolio of evidence to earn a micro-credential is a key component in the micro-credential ecosystem. The Micro-credential Assessment Overview support article gives a brief overview of the entire assessment process, including a short introductory video series as well as information about our assessors and their training.
Time Frame for Assessment:
The BloomBoard Assessment Team strives to assess submissions within a 5-business-day assessment window. For a more detailed look at what happens during that assessment window, please view the Expected Time for Submission Assessment support article.
Micro-credential Statuses:
An artifact and/or portfolio of evidence moves through a variety of different statuses depending on where the participant is in their journey toward earning their micro-credential.
- For a comprehensive list of all micro-credential statuses and their definitions, as viewed in both the Cohort Dashboard BloomBoard reports, please view the support article Micro-credential Status Definitions for Faculty and Coaches.
- For a participant view of statuses from both their Micro-endorsement /Course page and from within each micro-credential, please view the Micro-credential Submission Status Definitions (M6, M7) support article.
Viewing Assessor Feedback:
Assessor Feedback is an integral part of the assessment process. You can access this feedback from your Cohort Dashboard.
To view feedback by artifact: Use the Detailed Progress menu or the search bar to view a participant’s individual progress.
- Use the Detailed Progress menu or the search bar to select a participant with an Incomplete, In Progress, Not Yet Earned, Resubmission, or Earned status.
- Click on the artifact to directly see the pre-assessment / assessment feedback the participants’ have received on their submitted artifact.
To view feedback by portfolio: Use the People menu or search bar to choose a participant.
- Access the Micro-credential tab.
- Click on the micro-credential tile to view artifacts that have already been uploaded as well as any feedback left by the assessor.
For a detailed explanation of viewing feedback for Full Portfolio submissions (Model 6), please review the Viewing Feedback for Full Portfolio Submissions (M6) support article.
For a detailed explanation of view feedback for Single Artifact submissions (Models 6 & 7), please review the Viewing Single Artifact Submission Feedback (M6, M7) support article. (This support article is coming soon - for questions, please reach out to your BloomBoard Coach.)
Questions About Assessor Feedback:
If you or your participant has a question or needs clarification on feedback given by the assessor, please contact our support team by emailing
To expedite your request, please include the following information:
- Participant Name
- Micro-credential Name
- Artifact Name or Number (if your question is artifact specific)
- Your question(s) regarding the feedback. Please be as specific as possible
- Any additional information you feel the Assessment Team should be aware of.
The Support Team will contact the Assessment Team Leads on your behalf, removing any identifying information, such as the participant’s name, so that anonymity is maintained for the entire assessment process.
Assessment Accommodation Requests:
BloomBoard aims to provide equal opportunity for participants to earn micro-credentials when their circumstances / contexts / disability does not allow for them to document evidence of competency required for the micro-credential portfolio.
Faculty members working with students who feel that they are unable to demonstrate the indicators of one or more micro-credentials may complete the Bloomboard Assessment Accommodation Request Form_Faculty (Template) on behalf of their student.
More information can be found here: Faculty Request for Assessment Accommodation.