As participants work on a unit submission, their status will update on both the Cohort Dashboard as well as in BloomBoard Reports.
Cohort Dashboard Statuses
Course (micro-endorsement) Statuses:
Course status is found by clicking People in the My Students section of the Cohort Dashboard.
Removed from cohort - The participant no longer has access to the program.
Not Started - The participant has not started on any units included in the course.
In Progress - The participant has started one or more units within the course.
- Earned - The entire set of units within the course has been submitted and earned.
Unit Statuses:
Unit (micro-credential) and individual artifact status is found by clicking Detailed Progress in the My Students section of the Cohort Dashboard.
Not Started - The participant has not yet started any work on the unit.
Started - The participant has clicked the Start button, but has not yet begun work on a Learn activity, typed any evidence into their artifact submission, or uploaded a file.
Learning - The participant is working on a Learn activity, but has not yet uploaded evidence for an artifact.
In Progress - The participant has uploaded at least one piece of evidence for at least one artifact or unit requirement.
Submitted - The participant has submitted their portfolio (all artifacts) and is awaiting review.
Incomplete - The participant’s submission did not pass the pre-assessment check and was returned as incomplete without competency indicator feedback.
- Passed - One of the Participant's Artifacts passed pre-assessment check but could not yet be graded for competency due to another one of their Artifacts not passing.
Not Yet Earned - The participant's submission has been assessed as not earned because they did not meet one or more of the competency indicators. Competency indicator feedback was given by the assessor.
Resubmission - The participant is working on a second (or more) attempt at earning the unit.
- Earned - All artifacts within the unit have been submitted and earned. Overall feedback as well as indicator level feedback was given by the assessor.
For more information on using the Cohort Dashboard, please view the Cohort Dashboard Overview for Faculty and Coach Roles support article.
BloomBoard Reports Statuses
Unit (micro-credential) Statuses:
Please note, for Single Artifact Submissions, the status shown in BloomBoard Reports is based on the most recent artifact work until all artifacts have been earned.
Not Selected - If a choice unit is offered, the participant has not yet chosen which unit to work on.
Selected - If a choice unit is offered, the participant has chosen which unit to work on but has not yet clicked the Start button. This is also the default status for a unit that is required.
Started - The participant has clicked the Start button, but has not yet begun work on a Learn activity, typed any evidence into their artifact submission, or uploaded a file.
Learning - The participant is working on a Learn activity, but has not yet uploaded evidence for an artifact.
In Progress - The participant has uploaded at least one piece of evidence for at least one artifact or unit requirement.
Submitted - The participant has submitted their portfolio (all artifacts) and is awaiting review.
- Incomplete - The participant’s submission did not pass the pre-assessment check and was returned as incomplete without competency indicator feedback.
Not Yet Earned - The participant's submission has been assessed as not earned because they did not meet one or more of the competency indicators. Competency indicator feedback was given by the assessor.
Resubmission - The participant is working on a second (or more) attempt at earning the unit.
- Earned - All artifacts within the unit have been submitted and earned. Overall feedback as well as indicator level feedback was given by the assessor.
For more information on using BloomBoard Reports, please view the BloomBoard Reports Overview support article.