This support article is for students working in a Degree or Certificate Program through an institute of higher education as well as those working on units with an S4 submission type.
Once you have uploaded a file, you can then begin annotating it according to the instructions and artifact requirements. The steps that require an annotation will have a Place Marker or Place Timestamp button.
If you are annotating a document:
Step 1: Click the Place Marker button.
Step 2: Place and drag the marker on your uploaded document according to the artifact requirements. Please note: You can move the marker by clicking and dragging in another area that you’d like your marker to be.
Step 3: If that annotation requires a description, a text box will appear for you to type your description. Please note, that not all annotations require a description.
Step 4: Click the Save button after entering your description.
Step 5: You can click the 3 dots to the right of your description to edit or delete your marker/description.
If you are annotating a video:
Step 1: Click the Place Timestamp button.
Step 2: Enter the start and end time that demonstrates that specific requirement
Step 3: Then click Save Timestamp.
Step 4: You can click the 3 dots to the right of your timestamp to edit or delete it.