Assessors are selected by the issuer of the micro-credential to review submissions and make recommendations. Assessors can review submissions directly from the BloomBoard platform using the steps below:
To access the Manage Assessments Tool, click the briefcase icon on the left of your BloomBoard dashboard and select Assessments.
When the Manage Assessments page opens, you’ll see the micro-credential submissions for which you are assigned as assessor or approver, as well as other submissions for the micro-credentials that you have permissions to view.
- To open a micro-credential submission, click on the name of the micro-credential or the submission ID in blue. To open the submission in a new tab, right click and select Open in new tab.
- Ensure you are assigned an an assessor. To review the evidence and add feedback and a recommended rating, you must first be assigned as an assessor. This can be found at the top of the submission. (Note that when a submission has been assigned to you, you'll get an email letting you know.)
- For each requirement, select a rating and feedback on the right side of the page (Note that the earner's evidence will appear on the left.)
- Click Submit Recommendation on the right side to review your feedback and submit your recommendation. Note that you can leave notes for the approver by clicking History at the top right of the page and typing your message.
- If an approver is not yet assigned, click Edit at the top of the page to assign the submission to an approver.