Accessing the Manage Assessments Tool
To access the Manage Assessments Tool, click the briefcase icon on the left of your BloomBoard dashboard and select Assessments.
When the Manage Assessments page opens, you’ll see the micro-credential submissions for which you are assigned as assessor or approver, as well as other submissions for the micro-credentials that you have permissions to view.
The Manage Assessments page has many filters that allow you to locate submissions. These filters can be layered to further filter assessments. To remove all filters, click Clear filters in the upper right.
Opening a Submission
To open a micro-credential submission, click on the name of the micro-credential or the submission ID in blue. To open the submission in a new tab, right click and select Open in new tab.
The opened submission will share the following information:
- Submission ID
- Submitted Date
- Attempt Number
- Partner
- Pre-Assessor (if applicable)
- Assessor
- Approver
- Type - this includes the micro-credential model and the submission type
Using Filters to Locate Submissions
Assessors - To locate a submission that you need to assess, click the Assigned to me filter and then the Status filter. Select Waiting on Assessor under status. The submissions that appear that are waiting for your assessment will show a blue ASSESS link. Click the link to navigate to the submission and assess.
Approvers - To locate a submission that you need to review as approver, click the Assigned to me filter and then the Status filter. Select Waiting on Approver under status. The submissions that appear that are waiting for your approval will show a blue REVIEW link. Click the link to navigate to the submission and assess.
Sorting by Date Submitted
Click the arrow next to Date Submitted to sort the list from most recent to oldest and click again to sort by oldest to most recent.
Searching by Micro-credential Name
To search for a micro-credential by name, click the Micro-credential filter and begin typing the name of the Micro-credential. Alternatively, click the arrow on the right of the search bar to select a micro-credential from the list.
Searching by Submission ID
To search for a Micro-credential by submission ID, click the Submission ID filter and type the submission ID in the search bar. Click enter and view the submission in the Manage Assessments view.
Filter by Submission Type
Click to filter by micro-credential submission type. Current submission types are:
- S1 = ADDIE requirements submission
- S2 = Standard full portfolio submission
- S3 = Single (Partial Submission)- Artifact submitted in order but not required to earn the previous artifact before submitting the next one
Viewing Who is Assigned as Assessor or Approver
Hover over the profile image of the assessor or approver to view the assessor or approver’s name.
Navigating to the next page or previous page
Use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page to increase the number of submissions in your current view, or use the Next button to move to the next page of assessments. Use the Previous button to navigate back to the previous page.
Additional Filters
Use the following filters to search for submissions. These can be combined to filter the list further. Remember to use the Clear filters button to remove all filters and begin again.
Unassigned - view all submissions not yet assigned to an assessor
Assigned to me - filter to view all submissions assigned to you
Waiting on Pre-Assessor - submission is pre-assessed against completion indicators before assigned an assessor
Pre-Assessed - submission has been pre-assessed as complete or incomplete
Waiting on Assessor - submission is actively awaiting review by the assigned assessor
Waiting on Approver - submission is actively awaiting review by the assigned approver
Resubmissions - view resubmissions only
Overdue - view submissions past the 5 business day expected turnaround time
Earned - view only submissions that have been Earned
Not Yet Earned - view only submissions that have the status of Not earned
Filter by Partner - choose the name of the partner to view submissions to partner specific micro-credentials