Once a portfolio of evidence has been submitted, the assigned team of assessors determines if the portfolio of evidence has demonstrated competency and whether the micro-credential is earned. When a portfolio of evidence does not yet demonstrate competency (all of the required abilities, skills, and knowledge), constructive feedback is provided by the assessors. The assessment feedback aims to support a growth mindset by highlighting the portfolio’s strengths and providing constructive feedback on how to improve the portfolio to earn the micro-credential. The assessment and feedback users receive are an integral part of the learning process and can be incorporated into subsequent resubmissions. Providing opportunities for participants to resubmit an updated portfolio of evidence is an important component of competency-based learning and micro-credentials.
A participant has the opportunity to submit a portfolio of evidence a maximum of three (3) times before they are required to meet with a BloomBoard Coach prior to resubmitting.
Data demonstrates that after a 3rd submission attempt assessed as “Not Yet Earned”, a participant benefits from additional support prior to resubmitting. When a submission for a micro-credential is not earned after the 3rd attempt, assessors will communicate to the participant that they should reach out to their BloomBoard Coach to schedule a 1:1 meeting to receive support.
A participant can contact their coach through the Direct Message (DM) feature in the BloomBoard platform, in the Collaborate section. If a participant needs support getting in touch with their coach they can email support@bloomboard.com and the Support Team will help make the connection.