There may be one or more competency indicators for which you have not yet achieved “Met”. The majority of educators will submit their portfolio of evidence twice in order to demonstrate competency and earn the micro-credential.
Keep in mind assessment is not an evaluation of you as a participant. Rather, it is an assessment of the evidence you submitted.
The assessor's feedback is intended to help you address the portions of your submission evidence that did not yet achieve “Met” and help you resubmit successfully.
Step 1: Review the Submission Feedback.
- Assessors provide feedback by indicator, by artifact, and overall feedback. The assessor feedback is targeted to help you achieve “Met”.
- Fresh eyes may be helpful. There are times we are too close to our own work. Asking a colleague/peer/mentor on-the-ground to review the assessor's feedback and your portfolio of evidence may provide clarity and insight on how to update your evidence in your resubmission.
- Ask your peers or coach in the discussion. You are not alone in your micro-credential journey. Chances are one of your peers in the discussion will encounter a similar situation. The coach and/or discussion peers may provide valuable feedback that helps with your resubmission.
Step 2: Determine what evidence is needed to achieve “Met”.
- Make a plan. After determining the evidence needed, decide how to provide the update.
- Do you need to upload a new or updated version of a template or document? Delete the old evidence so that only your updated evidence is submitted.
- Do you need to upload additional video/audio evidence? Include both your previous evidence and new evidence in your resubmission.
- Avoid the “kitchen sink” approach. Adding more is not always the best approach. Consider a
surgical approach and only provide the evidence that is required.
Step 3: Navigate to Build Artifacts (Exercise) and start updating your artifacts. All artifacts are updated within Build Artifacts (Exercise).
- Your previous submission’s content and assessor notes are saved. Within Submit Portfolio, you will see a dropdown menu to select as open previous submissions (as shown below). Select the submission date to view and expand each Artifact by clicking the carrot arrow (on the right) to view the uploaded artifact, annotations, and the assessor feedback for that portfolio of evidence.
- When resubmitting, make your updates clear to the assessors. Provide context, be specific, and highlight changes to directly connect the evidence to the competency indicators.
Step 4: Review then resubmit.
- Self-assess your evidence against the indicators as if you were the assessor. Self-assessing your evidence is a helpful way to review whether the evidence is organized and aligned and meets the competency indicators.
Your organization and the BloomBoard Team are here to support you in your micro-credential journey.