Micro-credentials are self-paced and self-directed. Backwards plan to determine when you collect the required evidence.
Read through the micro-credential to
(1) review the required artifacts,
(2) determine if you need required templates, and
(3) examine the Pre-assessment Check and Competency Indicators that define the quality for each artifact.
Plan the evidence you will need to collect and set milestones on your Micro-endorsement page for completion. The Portfolio of Evidence in some micro-credentials needs to be developed in a particular sequence while others are less interdependent. Take this into consideration as you plan.
Designing backwards also applies to how you chart your path through the entire micro-endorsement.
By reviewing the Portfolio of Evidence in each micro-credential for the entire micro-endorsement, you can ensure that you are gathering evidence at appropriate times in your practice and can consider how artifacts relate across micro-credentials.
Remember, assessors will use the Pre-assessment Check and Competency Indicators to evaluate your evidence. Before submitting do a quick self-assessment to ensure you are on the right track!
Please click here to access a Backwards Design Template for Model 5 micro-credentials.
Please click here to access a Backwards Design Template for Models 6 and 7 micro-credentials.
For more information on how to determine which model of micro-credential you are working on, please visit Micro-credential Model and Submission Type.