The Collaborate feature enables users to communicate together about their work. If you have the Collaboration feature enabled, you will see recent messages in the My Notifications space. You can click on the notification, or If you do not have any new notifications, you can click the link to be taken to your discussions. Both direct messages and discussion notifications will appear under My Notifications.
You can send and receive direct messages and join a discussion by clicking Collaborate along the left of your Dashboard as well.
Notifications can be cleared by clicking the X to the right of the notification or by clicking on the notification hyperlink to go directly to your message.
Once in the Collaborate space, you can choose the discussion you would like to participate in from the Collaborate menu on the left.
At the bottom of your screen, you will see a spot to type in your message. You can also @ mention individuals, add a file, link to a website, or add an emoji. Participants also have the ability to respond to a discussion post.
For information on how to send a direct message, click here.
Profile Panel - You can also learn more about the people participating in your conversations. You can click on either the name or profile picture of the person you are messaging to open an information panel that will include the person's name, role (such as coach or faculty), organizations and cohort sections that you have in common, as well as an easy way to message them directly from that panel.